I think my section on accessories is not so bad, right? There is so much to talk, and time is infinite here ... (literally)
While the focus here was concentrate on the exhibitions of other designers, what I CAN DO is something significant.
Let`s tal about are main focuss here, tha is Assya Jewerlly, femenine and chic. simple as that. On his own web site, she describe her collection, her work like something for all us and that is very lovely for her, nice detaill I say.
"Welcome to Assya London,
home to the most chic and
glamourous jewellery a woman
could dream of!
Browse though our
collections, search for a
necklace or bracelet, or let
us make a bespoke piece for
you...no matter what you
desire we can make it a reality.
Our boutique in Notting Hill,
53 Ledbury Road, London W11
2AA tel +44 (0) 207 2431687,
is open from Monday to
Friday10am to 6pm.
Alternatively you can shop
online anytime of the day!"
(This is the introduction on a side of his web site: http://assya.co.uk)
She has several colletion to shop online, with very femenine names, everything for us.
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